Monday, December 29, 2008

New post

Holy cow, so I know it's been a while.......holidays have made us all busy, so hopefully you'll understand the delay but here's an update on what we've been up to.

We all survived the "Arctic Blast 2008" snow storm that kept us housebound for almost 2 weeks. Needless to say, we're all really, really tired of snow. We had nearly 18 inches on the ground on some of the worst days. And while most cities would think that's nothing, let me just say that Portland has a storm of this magnitude once every 40 years or so. We are completely unprepared for it. Luckily, Maddie had fun playing in snow so I guess someone enjoyed it!

House is still coming along well despite the snow delay. As of this afternoon, we have part of a roof which really makes it look like something! Very exciting to drive by it everyday and see progress. We're still on track for a mid-April move in!

Baby #3 continues to grow and thrive. We're officially 30 weeks into the pregnancy and I can start to see the end. Every day I grow a bit more optimistic that we will bring this little one home. In a few weeks we start our twice weekly monitoring - non-stress tests on Mondays and bio-physical profile ultrasounds on Thursdays. It will keep us busy but will also hopefully keep us sane. Anyway, I think we may finally have a name picked out but because the gender is not a surprise this time, we are keeping her name to ourselves. We also have an official date for inducing.....Alex and I will be checking into the hospital the evening of Tuesday, Feb. 24 with the birth most likely being on the 25th. 8 more weeks!

Maddie is also growing and amazes us daily. Her vocabulary skills have really stepped up recently and I marvel at the conversations we can have. She's definitely a little girl now and no longer a baby.

Below are a few pictures from the past month!

Back of the house during framing.
Front of the house during framing.
This is Miss Lily Gabriella Baioni, born to our dear friends Sean and Dana. Lily was born on Christmas Day (this picture was when she was about 24 hours old) and was 5 lbs 2 oz (she was three weeks early.) She's the best Christmas present Dana and Sean could have hoped for. She's the littlest baby I've ever held but she's absolutely perfect!
A view of downtown Portland during the snow storm, on one of the "better" days. Because of the road conditions, we had to take the tram up to the hospital.
Not sure what this is about but it's a pretty funny little pose.
Getting ready to cut down our Christmas tree.
Christmas morning.
With Tovah after decorating her tree.