Thursday, January 29, 2009

New Pictures

A few updates.....

We're now only 3.5 weeks from our induction! So far, our little one looks very healthy so fingers crossed, we'll have her home with us safe and sound.

Maddie is still doing well in school and dance. She had her first dance recital on Jan. 23rd (pictures below) and it was hilarious in a "oh my god, she's so cute" way. I can tell you she is not shy and loved the audience. She's also back in swimming but is taking a small break because of a little ear infection. But she is a real character these days!!!

House is coming along nicely. We have sheetrock up and the exterior has siding and the roof complete. We can't wait!

Here are some new pictures.

Here is a 3D picture from Baby Girl #3's ultrasound at 32 weeks. Nana thinks she already looks like Maddie.
I can't believe this picture! It's amazing how much she looks like a real baby at 32 weeks!
Maddie's first dance recital at school. I can not even begin to tell you how cute she was!!!
Maddie's recital.
My baby belly at almost 34 weeks.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Happy Birthday Audrey......

Our sweet angel would have celebrated her first birthday today.

Mommy, Daddy and your big sister Maddie love you so much.....we wish you were here.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Emotional Day

As most of you know, our family is approaching the 1 year "anniversary" of Audrey's birth and passing. Next Sunday, January 11th, at 12:27 pm, it will be exactly one year since she came into and left our physical lives. It seems like such a huge that neither Alex or I could have ever imagined reaching last January. And truly, losing her still seems so fresh, as if it were only yesterday.

In some ways, it feels as though the anticipation of January 11th will be worse then the actual day, but that doesn't change our emotions presently. Lots of tears (me,) hand holding (Alex) and talking about Audrey up in heaven (Maddie.) We (Alex and I) have given a lot of thought to how we wanted to mark the day, especially since the 11th is also my dad's birthday.

I'll be honest and say that at first I thought it was simply awful that my dad would have to share his birthday with such a sad event. But as time has passed, the more I think it is a blessing in disguise. Not only will having the same birthday ensure that fewer people will forget her (and we know the people that really matter will always remember, regardless) but it also gives Dad and Audrey a special bond that will go beyond life, death and everything in between.

Anyway, my parents own a home in Cannon Beach, OR only a few blocks from the coast and it has really become a special place for us as an extended family as well as a place they hope grandchildren will go to for years. To make sure Audrey has her "mark" there, today we purchased a solid wood rocking chair that will be personalized with her name and date. It's beautiful and each time one of us rocks a grandbaby to sleep, we can think of her.

And even though his birthday isn't until next Sunday, we gave it to Dad this afternoon with Mom present, and we were all emotional. It takes a lot to bring Dad to tears, but we were all crying...thinking of our precious angel who remains with us in spirit if not in the flesh.

We love you Audrey and you are in our hearts every moment of every day.