Thursday, April 2, 2009


Hello all -

A few new things going on.

1. First of all, thanks to the many of you that have sent gifts for our little Sofia! We think they're all wonderful and we especially appreciate the fact that so many of you included a little something for Maddie. She's been adjusting well, for the most part, but she still has her moments of "neediness." It's obvious that we (Alex and I) are now having to split our time and attention among the two of them but we're doing our best to make sure she still knows how loved she is.

2. We are in the final countdown to moving into our new house. The home inspection was completed yesterday and most things looked good. We do our punchlist next Wednesday and have our final walk through on the 15th, where we should get our keys. We are beyond excited! It's really a beautiful home in a great neighborhood.

I have to admit though that I'll miss living with my parents a little as Mom has been BEYOND helpful! I don't know how so many women make it through these first few weeks with two kids without help. I know I'll manage just fine once we move, but I can't even begin to express how fortunate we've been to have the extra hands.

3. Speaking of my parents, congratulations to them for recently celebrating their 38th wedding anniversary!!! I think that qualifies as being married forever......I can't even imagine!

More pictures soon!

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